Legal terms



This document defines the general Terms of Service pertaining to the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website provided by PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP – a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 500 000 euros – R.C.S. Paris B 432 651 669

15 rue Fénelon – 75010 Paris – France



These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “TOS”) govern the use of the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website and may be modified at any time by PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP in order to take into account any legal, jurisprudential, editorial and/or technical changes. These modifications are provided to users by simply putting them online, without the users being notified in advance. The latest version should be consulted regularly.


PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP offers on the website (hereinafter referred to as “the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Website”) a space dedicated to media professionals who wish to acquire exploitation rights, allowing them to have access to online viewing of the programs offered by PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP.

The PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website notably offers:

  • Preview trailers
  • Full videos of most of the programs available on the website



Prime Entertainment Group is not responsible nor liable for :

  • an unavailability or malfunction of the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website, regardless of the cause;
  • the loss of point data;
  • consequences from any virus;
  • a case of Force Majeure as defined by the jurisprudence of the French Court of Cassation.



All elements of the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website – more specifically the sounds, videos, still images or animations reproduced on the website – are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights throughout the world.

As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code :

  • any total or partial reproduction of the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website is strictly prohibited except in the cases expressly defined by these TOS.
  • the user agrees not to modify, transmit, sell or distribute the said website or the elements that make it up in any way whatsoever.



The user is informed that, during visits to the site, one or more cookies may be automatically installed on their browser software.

A cookie is a file, often anonymous, that contains data, notably a unique authentication, transmitted by the site’s server to the user’s browser and stored on their hard disc.

During each visit by a user to the site, these cookies enable overall statistical studies of the site’s audience, to identify the user, if required, to monitor user behavior in the various sections of the site, with a view to better personalizing the site and its services in terms of layout, display, and content.

The user can block the storage of cookies by changing browser preferences. However, the user is informed that access to certain services on the site may become changed or inaccessible.



Prime Entertainment Group reserves the right to modify or interrupt (temporarily, sporadically or permanently) access to the PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP website (or all, or part of it) with or without notice at any time. The user therefore acknowledges that PRIME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP is not liable to them or any other party for any modification, deletion or interruption of the website.



These TOS are subject to French law.

For users acting as professionals, disputes arising from the interpretation or application of these TOS shall be submitted to the competent courts in Paris.



Prime Entertainment Group

Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 500,000 euros

R.C.S. Paris B 432 651 669

15 rue Fénelon – 75010 Paris – France